News & Updates

RunFibre fibre optic internet rollout

Area specific news
Church connection in Hawkesbury community
Church connection in Hawkesbury community

Rural internet service for St Mary the Virgin Hawkesbury church

Hawkesbury Horticultural Show 2022 WiFi coverage
Hawkesbury Horticultural Show 2022 WiFi coverage

As part of the Hawkesbury community scheme RunFibre provided the show with complementary wireless internet access across the outdoor event.

Live chat to expand customer support capabilities
Live chat to expand customer support capabilities

Runfibre live chat for general questions and updates

Project Extension to the Villages of Little Badminton and Sopworth Announced
Project Extension to the Villages of Little Badminton and Sopworth Announced

After the success of Runfibre’s Hawkesbury Roll out, a further 73 properties to benefit from the rural voucher scheme

Charfield announced as next village to get Runfibre
Charfield announced as next village to get Runfibre

Runfibre's roll out continues to pick up speed as plans for phase 1 of the project, to reach 250 properties west of the village, gets underway.

First Customer Goes Live In Easter Compton
First Customer Goes Live In Easter Compton

Runfibre’s GIGABIT capable infrastructure has been lit up in Easter Compton today and live installations are underway.

What is Fibre Optic and What are its benefits
What is Fibre Optic and What are its benefits

Fibre optic is a high speeds broadband that allows you to have faster speeds without disruption as it is a flexible piece of glass that uses glass or plastic which is diameter is no bigger than a strand of hair. The main reason that it is faster is due to the fact it uses absolutely no copper!

HU5K Run in Hawkesbury Upton 2022
HU5K Run in Hawkesbury Upton 2022

Runfibre sponsor at the HU5K Hawkesbury Upton run Saturday 18th of June 2022. Running the full fibre network.

Full Fibre Roll Out Heats Up With The Weather
Full Fibre Roll Out Heats Up With The Weather

Another huge milestone achieved as Runfibre pass 2000 properties in North Bristol

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